Arabic 101: Learn These Common Arabic Words and Numbers

One way to foster camaraderie with your employer is to speak their language. You can also earn potential points if you can speak like them and understand them.

ALSO READ:Top 10 Reasons to Learn Arabic

So if you plan to work in Qatar, equip yourself with basic Arabic words and phrases to help you in your day-to-day transactions. Even if you are already working in Qatar, it never hurts to brush up on your knowledge as well.

learn arabic

Useful Arabic Words and Phrases

To help start the conversation going, here are some words and phrases that you can use. Be familiar with these words, so you can converse properly with the people around you.

Basic Greetings

Hello                                As salaamu alaykum

Good morning                   Sabahu al-hayir

Good afternoon                 Masa al-hayir

Good night                        Tusbih ala hayr

What’s your name?            Ma ismuk?

Nice to meet you                Tasarrafna

See you later                     Arak lahiqan

Goodbye                            Ma’ al-salamah

How are you?                     Kaifa haluka?

Please                                Min fadhlik

Thank you                           Sukran

You’re welcome                   Afwan

No                                     La

Yes                                    Na’am

Okay                                 Hasanan

Excuse me                          Udran

I’m sorry                            Ana asif

When Shopping

What is this?                              Ma hadha?

How much is this?                      Bikam hadha?

Could I get the check, please?     Al-hisab law samahi

For getting directions or traveling

Left                                                        Al-yasaar

Right                                                      Al-yameen

Help                                                       Al-nagdah

What time is it?                                       Kam al sa ah?

Wait a moment                                       Intazir lahzah

Where is …?                                           Ayna…?

Where is the restroom?                           Ayn al-mirhad?

Where is the bank?                                  Ayna al maraf?

The police station                                    markazash-shurta

Hospital                                                 Mustashfa

Airport                                                  al mataar

Embassy                                                Safaara

Arabic Numbers

One                                                       wahed

Two                                                       ethnein

Three                                                    thalatha

Four                                                       arba-a

Five                                                       khamsa

Six                                                         sitta

Seven                                                    sab-a

Eight                                                      thamanya

Nine                                                      tis-a

Ten                                                        ashara

To better help you in pronouncing some of the Arabic words you’re studying, you can watch instructional videos or podcasts.  Here is an example of a YouTube video that you can use:

At the start, you might feel awkward in pronouncing these new words. But to some people who have successfully learned a new language, the secret is to keep practicing. Devote just a few minutes each day to read these phrases, and keep increasing your vocabulary of Arabic words. You can also watch Arabic shows to further familiarize yourself with the language. Or better yet, talk to native speakers so they can coach you with the words you’re using.

It is also a good idea to start with learning how to pronounce the Arabic words, before moving on to learning how to write and read. Just keep a steady pace until you master this new language.

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