The total number of COVID-19 cases in Qatar has now reached 24, after 6 expats have tested positive for the coronavirus. According to the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), the new cases are expats that have close contact with previous cases within their community.
The 6 new cases are now sent to the Communicable Disease Center and are isolated for further treatment. They also identified people who have been in contact with the new cases and are now under checking and testing as well.
COVID-19 Cases in Qatar Now Reach 24
If you live in Qatar and would like to know more about anything COVID-19 related, the MOPH has set up a call center, available 24-7. This number is 16000 and is free of charge.
The following is a tweet from Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health regarding the 6 new COVID-19 Cases.
MOPH Announces Six New Cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (#COVID-19)
— وزارة الصحة العامة (@MOPHQatar) March 10, 2020
The following is an infographic video from the Ministry of Public Health, in Arabic, that shows what you can do to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
للوقاية من مرض #فيروس_كورونا ٢٠١٩ (#كوفيد_19)
— وزارة الصحة العامة (@MOPHQatar) March 10, 2020
In addition, the Hamad Medical Corporation has issued 5 tips to prevent COVID-19 disease. These tips include washing hands frequently, avoiding touching the face with dirty hands, avoiding contact with patients.
It is our duty to prevent further spreading of the virus, and with these simple tips, we can participate in this global effort. If possible, we should just stay at home, and if we must go out, then we should try our best to avoid crowded places.
According to recent studies, there is no evidence that the coronavirus is airborne. The transmission is through droplets. That means you can get COVID-19 if you happen to be in a room where somebody with the virus sneezed. Even if you aren’t directly sneezed at, you may touch a surface containing the sneeze droplets and put your hands on your face. That’s why it’s really important to wash hands and at least bring alcohol or hand sanitizer with you always.
Also, when washing hands, the experts recommend you do it for at least twenty seconds. That is equivalent to singing the happy birthday song twice as you wash your hands.
Recently, Qatar has banned entry of travelers coming from 14 countries, including the Philippines in efforts to manage the transmission of the virus.
Indeed, Qatar has taken a proactive stance to address this health situation. The country is doing its part in the global effort to stop COVID-19.