Direct-Hired versus Recruitment Agency: Which is the Best Route to Take?

If you are looking for a job, you can either apply directly with the company or go through a recruitment agency.

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These options both have advantages and disadvantages. To make sure that you will not become a victim of illegal recruiters, you need to conduct thorough research about the company you are applying to.

direct hired or recruitment agency

Applying for a Job Through Recruitment Agency

There are several recruitment agencies offering jobs to Filipinos. They have job listings for land-based or sea-based workers. The challenge is to be sure that you are dealing with a legitimate agency.

You can check with POEA if the company is legitimate or not. Once you confirm the company’s legitimacy, you can proceed with your application. The benefits of recruitment agencies are:

  • Less hassle in the processing of requirements
  • Assistance in labor disputes
  • The applicant has the option to choose from the various employers that the agency caters
  • The agency can find a better fit for the applicant
  • Legitimate recruitment agencies also help the POEA to regulate and monitor the OFWs being deployed regularly

On the other hand, going through a recruitment agency can be disadvantageous for the following reasons:

  • The need to pay a placement fee to the agency before deployment
  • Some applicants end up paying higher placement fees without getting a receipt in return
  • There is a danger of applying of dealing with illegal recruiters

Applying for a Job Directly with the Company

Some applicants prefer to look for jobs abroad by themselves. With this option, the applicant will inquire with a company if they have a job opening. Applicants that get hired will process their documents with POEA and other necessary offices.

Directly hired applicants will not pay any placement fee, and this is one advantage of applying directly. But on the other hand, the applicant will have to process all the requirements before they can be employed.

Ban on Direct Hire

However, applicants should know that the 1974 Philippine Labor Code banned direct hiring with certain exceptions. In particular, members of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, heads of state, and high-ranking government officials can hire employees directly.

Other foreign employers that received Administration approval can also hire employees without the need of a recruitment agency. For these foreign employers, they can only hire five employees maximum. Under this classification, the employer should have POLO endorsement, or be professional or skilled workers with authenticated or verified contracts, or family members that are permanent residents of the host country, except HSW.

The applicant will process the necessary documents at any POEA office including the regional centers. There is a dedicated window, called Direct Hired Assistance Division, at the POEA offices for direct-hired applicants. Any follow-ups and clarifications should be coursed through this dedicated window.

If the applicant will work for a member of the diplomatic corps, international organization, or state leader up to Deputy Minister rank, the processing of OEC will only take one day. For other foreign employers, the OEC will take up to 64 hours to process.

In conclusion, the better route to take would be through a recruitment agency. You just need to practice due diligence and engage with legitimate agencies to get valid work abroad.

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