Health Ministry Announces FREE Flu Vaccines in Qatar

The Ministry of Public Health announced that it has purchased a large number of flu vaccines for the residents of Qatar. These will be available by the end of the month and will be administered for free to everyone.

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The government has also provided free flu vaccines in the previous years. These were available in all hospitals and private clinics.

Booklets given in health centers

Get Your Flu Shots

By the end of the month, the flu vaccines will be available for the residents of Qatar. This is according to a report from Peninsula Qatar.  Everyone can avail of the free vaccine at the hospitals and clinics all across the state as long as they have a valid health card. In previous years, the flu vaccines were also administered for free.

Importance of Vaccines

Vaccines provide an effective defense system in the body, according to the Center for Disease Control. Those who received the vaccine becomes more resistant to certain diseases.  Deaths due to common diseases, such as measles or Hepatitis A, are now eradicated due to vaccines. That’s why it is important to complete the immunization program that doctors prescribe.

Baby’s Immunization Schedule

Parents in Qatar can use the Hukoomi portal to schedule their baby’s immunization at the hospital. The link to “Schedule Immunization” will be used to find the immunization schedule. Parents will need to provide the name of the child, birthday, HMC/HC number, PHC number, or QID number to get the information on the immunization status.

The Ministry of Public Health website provides the baby immunization schedule and list of immunization centers.  The health centers no longer issue the green card and have replaced the card with booklets.

Vaccines for Adults

Vaccines are still important even for older children and adults. The protection from vaccines received as a child can wear off over time. Thus, there are vaccines that can be taken even as adults. Other factors like health conditions, environment, job, lifestyle, and travel requirements also add to the reasons for immunization.

Flu shots are given every year to provide more defense against the flu season. Some also get a tetanus shot or hepatitis A shot before they start to work in hospitals as protection for work-related accidents. Some also get measles vaccines before they travel to other places.

Getting sick can set a person back. It might mean a loss of time with the family or loss of income by missing work.  Paying medical bills can also be difficult.  So it’s important to have the needed vaccines. The doctors can give recommendations regarding the immunization schedule.

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