The Ministry of Public Health in the state of Qatar has announced its first case of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. While the Qatari man is in stable condition, it is best from our side, that we take precautionary measures ourselves.
The Ministry of Public Health has shared helpful do’s and dont’s to help us protect ourselves from the new coronavirus. Please be guided accordingly.
Protect yourself from the new coronavirus (COVID-19)
Below are steps you can take in order to prevent COVID-19 basd on the infographic shared by the Ministry of Public Health.
1. Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, clean your hands with hand sanitizer
2. When coughing or sneezing, cover: cover your nose and mouth with a clean napkin and make sure to throw the used napkin in the trash immediately.
3. If a napkin is not available, make sure you use the top of your sleeve, not your hands.
4. Always wash your hands:
After coughing or sneezing
Before, during and after preparing food
Before eating
After using the restroom
When caring for patients
When your hands are dirty
After handling animals
5. Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth with unclean hands
6. Avoid contact with stray, sick or dead animals
7. Make sure to cook your food thoroughly, especially meat and eggs, and avoid raw food
8. Avoid unnecessary travels to infected countries
9. Try to avoid any contact with people who show symptoms of respiratory diseases such as coughing or sneezing.
10. Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet.
11. If you have flu symptoms, use a face mask to avoid infecting others.
12. Visit the nearest health center or hospital if you have any flu symptoms.
Below is the infographic shared by the Ministry of Public Health for your reference.
We hope everyone stays vigilant and to take the precautionary measures to help avoid the spread of the COVID-19. The Ministry is working with all partners and following the guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation to ensure the implementation of latest steps and health measures.
The Ministry of Public Health will release regular updates as the situation unfolds. It also urges the public to extend their help and cooperation with the health authorities in the implementation of the public heath measures and cautions against listening to unreliable sources of information and rumors. We hope we all stay safe and practice good personal hygiene as we combat this outbreak together.
For more information about coronavirus updates in Qatar, please check the Ministry’s dedicated page in their website to get the latest news and tips –