KidZania Doha to Open Soon

One of the largest educational and entertaining brands for children will open soon in Qatar. On the second half of 2018, KidZania is slated to welcome children 4-14 years old. It will be located in Aspire Zone.

KidZania is a place where kids rule. There are many interactive activities for the children to do. They will have fun while being taught careers and other tasks normally performed by adults. KidZania’s focus on role-playing is aligned with the experiential learning approach to education.

Image Credit: KidZania Doha website

“Get Ready for a Better World” – KidZania

KidZania allows children to role-play almost 60 activities that are inspired by genuine occupations from real world industries. Some of the careers or occupations that children can try out are being a doctor, dentist, police office, firefighter, actor and singer.

Every KidZania metropolis mostly replicates a typical city with various establishments. Children can experience role-playing activities in more than 40 establishments, which include a bank, hospital, police station, fire station, aviation academy and theatre. The establishments are divided into the following sectors:

  • Automotive
  • Culture
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health and healthcare
  • Media
  • Private Sector Services
  • Public Sector Services
  • Residential
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Sports
  • Transportation

KidZos is the currency used in KidZania. Every children will be given a cheque worth 50 KidZos, where they will be taught the value of money by working, budgeting, saving and spending their money.

Image Credit: KidZania Doha website

There will also be “Zupervisors” to guide the children in their role-playing activities. A “Zupervisor” is a KidZania collaborator are trained to guide the children in setting a scenario up to its positive conclusion in whatever establishment they choose.

Every children, whether with disability or not, can fully participate in all the activities in KidZania Doha. The place is accessible for those using a wheelchair, including the lifts, toilets and dining area. KidZania also provides “awareness wristbands” so that children whose disabilities are not visible can also be given extra assistance.

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