One of the hardest hit industries due to the global health crisis is airlines. Both domestic and international fights are severely affected, including
As such, many travel industry employees, such as pilots, flight attendants and other cabin crew members are out of work and having to deal with being unemployed for the first time in quite a while. This article is a summary of the YouTube video by MissKaykrizz, a former Filipina Cabin Crew who shares her life during Quarantine.
Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences shared by the OFW in the video below. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their videos on their accounts.
How Cabin Crew Can be Hopeful Despite the Pandemic
Here is the video by MissKaykrizz. She started a live video and responded to questions from her audience, some of which are cabin crew members themselves looking for information in these crucial times.
Before receiving any queries, MissKaykrizz established the following facts regarding the effects of the global health crisis on the aviation industry.
Lots of flights have been stopped
- Travel restriction is real – almost all countries are on lockdown and not accepting any in bounding flights, unless these flights deliver supplies.
- Travel industry will be hit hard due to this health crisis.
- Many will lose jobs – MissKaykrizz mentioned that she has many friends who are retrenched.
- Lots of cabin crew and pilots aren’t flying
- Airline industries are losing lots of money – in fact, MissKaykrizz said that the Philippine airlines will file for bankruptcy.
Indeed, many people are afraid because of what is happening. Is travel still a possibility in the future?
How to Deal with this Crisis
While pandemics are not new, and there are some in the past that are much deadlier, it’s the first time that global transportation is taking such a big hit.
That’s because people have been traveling from one country to another more than ever before; globalization as they call it.
The future seems bleak, and MissKaykrizz emphasized that the new cabin crew recruits may be the first ones to go because of seniority.
Despite the crisis, MissKaykrizz offers the following advice:
- Be less selfish – let’s work together to deal with this crisis.
- Think about how you can help your community.
- Help each other out as soon as possible – if we cooperate and do our part, tourism will go back to what it used to before the health crisis.
- Contribute positivity – instead of instilling fear in your hearts, think positive and hope for the best.
Measures Qatar Airways is doing to prevent spreading the virus:
Qatar Airways is one of the strongest airlines in the world. It will be difficult to close it down, and in fact it is still doing online interviews for applicants.
The company has taken the following steps to keeping its airplanes, and Hamad International Airport, virus-free:
- Passengers are required to wear masks throughout the flight.
- In business class, meals are now served on trays, keeping contact with crew and passenger at minimum.
- Crew will be required to wear personal protective equipment, complete with gloves, masks and goggles.
- There is no promise of social distancing though, as understandably, airplanes want to take off at full capacity.
At the Hamad International Airport:
- Passengers and workers all have easy access to hand sanitizers
- Everyone access to hand sanitizer
- Smart screening helmets worn by security and health personnel – using infrared thermal imaging, AI and Augmented reality display
- Fully autonomous mobile disinfection robots that use UV light to disinfect the most crucial areas.
- Sanitization and disinfection – disinfection of baggage belts
Qatar Airways is doing everything it can to continue operations in this new context. Cabin crew employees are better off patiently waiting for things to go back to normal, because despite the ongoing crisis, all indications point to a healthier future.