How to Calculate End of Service Gratuity in Qatar

After completing at least one year of service with your company in Qatar, you are entitled to an end-of-service gratuity. This is one of the benefits that the State of Qatar provides to employees as a form of financial compensation for their dedicated service.

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The longer you work with the company, the higher your end-of-service gratuity benefits will be. To determine the amount of gratuity pay you are entitled to receive, the Ministry of Labour provides a calculator tool that you can use. Additionally, you should consider any other conditions that are stipulated in your employment contract.

End of service benefit

Guide to Calculating Your Gratuity Pay

If you’re wondering how much gratuity pay you might receive from your employer, the Ministry of Labour website offers a helpful calculator that can give you a rough estimate. All you need to do is input a few key pieces of information, such as the number of years you’ve worked for the company, your monthly salary, and the number of gratuity days you’re entitled to.

Once you’ve entered these details, the calculator will provide you with an estimated gratuity pay figure. It’s worth noting, however, that this is only an approximation, and your HR department will be able to give you the final and official amount. Nevertheless, using the calculator can be a useful tool in helping you get an idea of what to expect in terms of gratuity pay,

Although the calculator is written in Arabic, you can still easily calculate your gratuity pay by providing some basic information. Simply enter your joining date, last working date, basic monthly salary, and the number of gratuity days you have accrued each year. The Ministry of Labour website provides a convenient online calculator to make this process even easier. Just follow this link, and you’ll be directed straight to the calculator. 

What is Gratuity Pay?

Gratuity pay is a valuable benefit that is provided to workers by the State of Qatar. According to the Labour Law, an outgoing employee is entitled to an end-of-service gratuity payment equivalent to three weeks’ salary for each year they have worked with the company.

In cases where an employee has provided continuous service to the same company for more than 5 years, they are eligible for an extra week of basic salary for each year of service.

Who is Eligible for Gratuity Pay?

Under the Qatar Labour Law, employers are legally obligated to provide gratuity pay to all employees who have completed at least one year of continuous service with the company. This end-of-service payment must be given regardless of whether the employee’s contract has expired or if they have been terminated. It’s important to note that this benefit is not just limited to those who resign or complete their contracts, but also includes employees who are terminated from their jobs. Furthermore, Qatar’s Labor Law also guarantees that if an employee is terminated before they have been able to take their annual leave, they are entitled to receive payment equivalent to their annual leave days. 

While employers are required to provide gratuity pay to eligible employees under Qatar’s Labour Law, there are certain situations where this payment may be withheld.  Here are some instances:

  • Ignoring instructions regarding workplace safety;
  • Reporting to work while under the influence of alcohol;
  • Sharing company trade secrets;
  • Submitting fake documents or assuming another identity; and
  • Committing acts that could result to financial loss for the company.

Video Explaining the Computation for Gratuity Pay

In this informative YouTube video, Qatar OFW Kabayan Sheila Vlog provides a helpful guide for domestic helpers looking to calculate their gratuity pay. The vlogger presents two sample computations. One for individuals who have worked for three years, and another for those who have completed five years of service. By demonstrating the process step-by-step, viewers can gain a better understanding of how gratuity pay is calculated, and what they can expect to receive. Additionally, the vlogger offers a useful tip for domestic workers who may encounter difficulties in obtaining their gratuity pay from employers. 

You can watch the video here:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is gratuity mandatory in Qatar?

Yes, under Qatar Labour law, in addition to any monetary rewards stipulated in your contract, an end-of-service gratuity is also provided upon the expiration of your contract. The amount of the gratuity is calculated based on your last drawn basic salary and the duration of your service with the company.

2. Can I get my gratuity pay in advance?

It is not prohibited by law for an employer to provide an advance payment in anticipation of gratuity. But at the end of the contract, the employer will compute the gratuity amount based on your final basic salary, and you will receive the remaining balance as their entitlement.

3. How much is my gratuity pay for working for 3 years?

The amount of gratuity pay an employee receives is calculated based on their basic salary, which serves as the basis for the three-week computation for each year of service.

4. Will I get more gratuity pay if I worked for 5 years or longer?

According to experts, the common belief that working for five years or more entitles an employee to a higher gratuity pay is no longer true. This is because the gratuity pay is now subject to an agreement between the employer and employee regarding its conditions

5. Where can I get help if my employer does not give my service gratuity?

If your employer denies your gratuity payment without a valid reason, you have the option to file a complaint with the Labor Court to resolve the issue.

6. In case of death, can the heirs receive the gratuity pay?

According to the Labor Law, the employer is required to deposit the deceased employee’s salary and other entitlements with the treasury of the competent court within 15 days of the employee’s death. The court will then distribute the amount to the heirs based on the Islamic Sharia provisions. If the rightful heirs cannot be identified immediately, the court may transfer the amount to the State Public Treasury after three years if the case has not been resolved.

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