Tragic news as the Ministry of Pubic Health recently announced the first death in Qatar due to COVID-19, a 57-year-old resident of Bangladesh who was suffering from chronic diseases.
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In addition, there’s been 28 new cases which makes the total number of case to 590.
2 new recoveries were also reported which makes the total number of recoveries to 45.

Below is a Tweet from MOPH Qatar:
آخر مستجدات فيروس كورونا في قطر
Latest update on Coronaviruson in Qatar#سلامتك_هي_سلامتي #YourSafetyIsMySafety
— وزارة الصحة العامة (@MOPHQatar) March 28, 2020
Below is the full statement from the Ministry of Public Health:
Ministry of Public Health announces today the registration of 28 new confirmed cases of corona virus (Covid-19), two cases of recovery, in addition to the first death due to the virus.
Some new cases of infection are related to travelers who returned to the State of Qatar and others to contacts, with new cases entered under quarantine where they are receiving the necessary medical care.
The Ministry of Public Health also announced the registration of two similar cases of recovery – both Qatari citizens – bringing the total number of recovery cases of Covid-19 to 45 cases in the State of Qatar.
A 57-year-old resident of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh who was suffering from chronic diseases has sadly died.
The deceased was admitted to intensive care immediately after he was diagnosed with the disease on March 16 and the necessary medical treatment and care was provided to him upon his admission to the hospital. The Ministry of Health extends condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased.
The Ministry of Public Health stresses that it is continuing to undertake all necessary checks for all citizens coming from travel, as well as all individuals who have been in contact with the affected cases.
The Ministry of Public Health reminds the public that the Corona Virus Contact Center in the Ministry of Public Health is available around the clock on the toll-free number (16000).