Nowadays, you don’t have to be a published writer, a journalist, a radio announcer, or a TV personality to be heard. As a worldwide digital platform, the Internet has made it possible for anyone — regardless of race, gender, age, or profession — to create written, audio, or visual content about almost anything and everything under the sun!
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Indeed, almost anyone can now be a blogger who writes informative and entertaining articles, or a vlogger who creates eye-catching and relevant videos. In particular, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have much to write and share about, especially since they are living in a different place, with different languages, beliefs, and cultures. Here in Qatar, there is quite a number of Filipino bloggers and vloggers that you can follow!
10 Filipino Bloggers and Vloggers to Follow in Qatar
For today’s article, we searched online for some of the most popular Filipino bloggers in Qatar. These include blogger-writers as well as “vloggers,” whose main form of communication is through videos shared via Facebook, YouTube, and other channels.
Among these bloggers and vloggers are those who create content about food, travel destinations, shopping trends, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, news and current events, and other topics. So without further ado, here is a list of your “must follow” Pinoy bloggers and vloggers in Qatar:
1. AnneBeCious
According to the YouTube description, AnneBecious was created by “an ambitious Filipina based in Qatar, who wants to explore and discover what else she can do.” Her channel features videos about food, travel, lifestyle, fashion, make-up, and “beauty hacks.” Definitely a channel to follow if you’re a fashion-conscious and travel-loving Pinay!
2. Best Life Qatar
The creator of Best Life Qatar is Zeke Tunay, a Filipino expat in Qatar who describes himself as “a Christian, a husband, and a father.” He also happens to be an entrepreneur, a freelance real estate consultant, and an aspiring blogger. The topics on his blog include news, press releases, travel features, hotel and restaurant reviews, business-related topics, tourist spots, and of course… everyday “daddy duties.” So if you’re a parent, you’re likely to learn a thing or two from this blog!
3. i am SIGH
This YouTube channel was created by “a self-trained fashion stylist who loves to identify, categorize, and personalize names of trends.” A quick look at her videos shows that, indeed, the creator of i am SIGH loves shopping (and window shopping), and provides some terrific advice, tips, and recommendations about fashion!
4. Dianne Buscaino
Dianne Buscaino’s YouTube channel features beauty as well as food-related content. The great thing about her videos is that she provides fashion tips and advice for plus-sized ladies like her. She knows how hard it is for “curvy” gals to find the right clothing and accessories, so her channel is definitely a big help! Aside from YouTube, you can also follow Dianne through her Instagram account. Yay!
5. Digi Gi Bi
The creator of Digi Gi Bi YouTube channel describes herself as “a born and raised Filipina living in Doha.” Through her videos, she talks about travel adventures, shopping, cooking, and being a first-time mom. If you’re a parent, then you will definitely be able to relate with her videos!
6. Lente de Rose
As the very name of her blog implies, Lente de Rose was created by Melody, a “street photography enthusiast” who also loves to travel and eat different kinds of dishes. Check out her blog to see some really cool photos of different places and of course, food!
7. Point and Shoot + Wanderlust
Owned by another certified foodie and photography enthusiast, Point and Shoot + Wanderlust was created by Darlene, who shares that she “left the corporate jungle to work as a freelancer,” before grabbing the opportunity to work overseas in 2016. At present, she is an expat in Doha, Qatar, where she continues to take amazing photos of food, places, and things. Do check out her blog!
8. TheycallmeJhovz
As mentioned in the Youtube description, TheycallmeJhovs was created by Jhovie, a Filipino vlogger based in Doha, Qatar. Since April 2017, she has been making and sharing videos about delicious food, travel experiences, and other random topics. Cool!
9. Wander with MI
In case you were “wandering” (pardon the pun), the letters “MI” in Wander with MI stands for Maria Ingrid, who hails from Manila, Philippines and is now based in Doha, Qatar. An accountant by profession, she likes to blog during her free time. Check out her blog to read her thoughts and experiences about food, travel, fashion, adventure, and parenthood!
10. Filipino Vloggers in Qatar
As the term suggests, Filipino Vloggers in Qatar is composed of not one, not two, but several Pinoy vloggers who are currently living in Qatar. Each vlogger focuses on a different niche, such as news, fashion, travel, culture, food, lifestyle, and other topics.
Notably, Filipino Vloggers in Qatar is officially registered at the Philippine Embassy in Qatar under the Bayanihan Group. You can watch their videos through their official YouTube channel as well as on their Facebook page.
Check out this video titled “Kabayan, may ipon ka na ba?” featured on the YouTube channel of Filipino Vloggers in Qatar:
BONUS Feature: Qatar OFW
Of course, don’t forget to follow our blog, Qatar OFW! Our website features news and stories about living in Qatar, including food recipes, hotel and restaurant reviews, travel destinations, job openings, important announcements, and other topics. Every now and then, we also feature OFW interviews, which talk about the life and experiences of Filipinos and other expats in Qatar.
How about you? Are you a Filipino blogger or vlogger based in Qatar? Or perhaps you know a Filipino content creator who should also be added to the list? Do share your comments, suggestions, and recommendations with us below!
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