How to Apply for OEC Exemption

OFWs returning to their work will need to apply for the OEC exemption. This document is important because you will present this before your flight.

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In the past, you might have used the old portal. However, there is a new portal introduced recently. It is called POEA Online Service Balik-Manggagawa or POPs-BaM.

going back to work

New Platform to Use

When it’s time to leave for your job abroad, it is important to get the OEC ready. For you to accomplish this task, you will need to go to the new platform from POEA.

The YouTube video from Cesar’s Channel shows us how to get the needed document using the platform from POEA. Take note that the information presented here applies only to OFWs who are returning to the same employer. If you have changed employers, you will need to set an appointment with POEA or POLO to get the exemption.

Let’s discuss the steps as shown in the tutorial:

  • Go to this link:
  • Once you are in the POEA dashboard, look for the “E-Registration” portion then click on the box marked “YES,” then click “LET’S GO.”
  • Log in using the username and password.
  • Under the “My Links” portion, choose “Balik Manggagawa.”
  • You will be directed to another page where you will click on “Next.”
  • On the next page, you will need to input your departure date. You will also see other reminders such as having a valid work visa or a passport with at least 6-months validity.

Validity of OEC Exemption

  • You will go to the next page, where you will see the validity of the OEC exemption. Click “NEXT” to proceed
  • The next page shows the details about your employer. You are to review the information to see if these are accurate.
  • At the lower portion of this page, you will see the question of whether you will return to the same JOBSITE. Click “YES” if you are a returning employee
  • On the next page, you will be asked if you will hold the same position with the employer
  • There is a notification at the lower portion of the page that warns you of disciplinary sanction if you will give a false information

Review Information for Accuracy

  • The next page will lead you to your employer’s address. You will fill out the missing information or update whatever information is in there. Then click “SUBMIT”
  • You will go to the page called “MY BALIK MANGGAGAWA APPLICATION” where you can check the accuracy of your details. When all the information is in place, you can then click on “PRINT OEC” for your use. If you do not want to print, you can take a screenshot of the image.

Reminders for Those Applying for OEC exemption

For household workers, the OEC exemption should also include the latest verified contract. This document has a 2-year validity. Meanwhile, skilled workers should include the latest certificate of employment using the company logo.

You can watch the full video here:

Disclaimer: The information posted here is based on the personal experiences that the OFW shared on the video. Please let this post serve as a guide only. If you have specific questions, you may ask the OFW by commenting on their video on their accounts.

For those of us working abroad, the OEC is an important document that we need to carry with us before we travel. By accomplishing the steps mentioned in this post, you can board the plane with less worry.

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