According to the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in Qatar, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country is now at 442. Three new cases were announced today. A senior official from the Ministry said that of the new cases, two are from the same quarantine group, while the third one is a household driver.
The senior official also mentioned that all three new cases are currently in quarantine and in good health, receiving all the medical attention and health care they need. If you want to know more about how you can get extra protection from COVID-19, here’s a useful Do’s and Don’ts article.
Update on the Number of COVID-19 Cases in Qatar: Total Now 442
Here is a tweet from the Qatar News Agency about this latest development:
The co-chair of the National Epidemic Preparation said that most of the cases that were announced to be infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the State of Qatar are currently 442 cases #QNA
— Qatar News Agency (@QNAEnglish) March 17, 2020
In light of the urgency of the current health situation, the MOPH has prioritized providing diagnostic exams and enhancing laboratories in Qatar, in fact making it the top health priority. This is intended to examine all of the existing COVID-19 cases in the country, which would help protect the non-infected members of society.
Minister of Public Health confirms that Qatar has put diagnostic examination and support for laboratory response network at the top of its health priorities to ensure provision of capabilities to examine all cases of possible infection Covid 19 and protect country’s population
— Qatar News Agency (@QNAEnglish) March 17, 2020
As such, the government has added more test and hold facilities, including the following:
We would like to inform you that as of Wednesday 18th March 2020 4pm, Rawdat Al Khail Health center will be a test and hold (COVID–19) facility
— مؤسسة الرعاية الصحية الأولية (@PHCCqatar) March 17, 2020
Indeed, the World Health Organized (WHO) has emphasized the importance of testing every suspected case of COVID-19. During a media briefing on COVID-19 last March 16, 2020, the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that the WHO has a “simple message for all countries: test, test, test.”
Residents of Qatar have expressed their support and approval of H H the Amir’s efforts to contain and fight the coronavirus. Qatar’s residents have done so mainly through social media, and primarily through the hashtag #ThanksTamimAlMajd. In particular, HH the Amir is lauded for chairing the Crisis Management Committee and being on the forefront of this health emergency, making decisions and directing the measures for things to get back to normal.
The MOPH advises the general public to follow all health measures necessary to stop this virus from spreading. That includes social distancing and proper hygiene. The latest news about COVID-19 can be found in the MOPH website. A toll free hotline 16000 is also available for COVID-19 related questions in Qatar.
This emergency crisis is, among many things, a test of our discipline and dedication to taking care of not just our own health but also the health of our community and our country. The right thing to do is to trust that the government has taken a strict and effective mitigating strategy for a healthier future.