UPDATE: 460 Total COVID-19 Cases in Qatar

The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in Qatar announced that the total number of COVID-19 cases in Qatar is now at 460, after eight new cases have been recorded today. According to the regularly updated Worldometer website, Qatar has the highest number of cases among all Gulf countries. This is followed by Bahrain, currently with 278 cases, then Saudi Arabia with 274 cases.

Ministry officials have also prohibited eating at restaurants in public, suggesting that restaurant-goers opt for take-out instead. The following article provides food safety guidelines in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis.

The Ministry also announced that 6 patients have recovered, bringing the total number of recovered cases to 10. All new cases are quarantined. The government is doing its best to overcome this health crisis. In fact, H.E. Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, president of the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC), stressed that Qatar is taking “serious and responsible measures” to limit the virus’ spread.


Number of COVID-19 Cases in Qatar Reaches 460

Here is a tweet from Al Arabiya regarding this COVID-19 count update:

The MOPH continues to promote proper hygiene and social distancing as an effective means of “flattening the curve”; that is, preventing the population from getting sick from the virus all at one time which would overwhelm the healthcare system of the country. To learn more about the latest news and updates about COVID-19, visit the MOPH website.

Moreover, residents can call 16000 for information and queries regarding this health crisis. The following tweet thread provides details on how you can utilize the new telephone consultation service organized by the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC):

The best way to stop the spreading of COVID-19 in your community is through home quarantine. But there is a proper way to do this, as illustrated in this video released by the government of Qatar:

We are probably entering the initial stages of this global challenge, but as citizens, the best thing we can do is be responsible and be active participants of this national effort.