There are many good reasons why people should attend conferences. One is being able to network and meet people who share your interests and belong to the same industry as you do. Another is to gain new knowledge and help solve problems you may currently have.
Attending conferences as a speaker also allows you to share your ideas to others and get feedback from them. In Qatar, there are lots of International Conferences on a yearly basis. This 2019, here are some of the best academic international conferences you may want to participate in.
Conferences to Look Out for in Qatar Next Year
1. 203rd International Conference on Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences (ICEBHS)
The ICEBHS aims to give students, researchers, engineers, and scientists the change to share what they know about the recent advances in education, business, humanities and social sciences. The conference is held on January 9-10, 2019. Those who are interested to participate may submit their paper on or before December 27, 2019.
2. 225th International Conference on Robotics, Aeronautics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRAMM)
The ICRAMM will be held on February 9-10, 2019 at Doha, Qatar. Deadline for paper submissions will be on January 1, 2020, and the final date of notification will be on January 9, 2020. Moreover, the last day of registration will be on January 9, 2020.
3. 793rd International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
The ICMHS is scheduled on March 10-11, 2020 and is organized by ISERD, or the International Society for Engineering Research and Development. The ISERD organizes conferences around the world, including earlier this year in London, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and more.
4. ISER – 789th International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials (IC2NAM)
The IC2NAM 2020 will be held in Doha, Qatar on April 10-11, 2020. The conference will mainly cover topics on Nanotechnology and Smart Materials. Deadline for abstracts and proposals will be on March 2, 2020.
5. IASTEM – 828th International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering ICCAE
The ICCAE 2020 will be held on May 10-11, 2020. It brings together experts in the industry of civil and architectural engineering, as well as innovative teachers in the mentioned discipline. The deadline for the submission of research paper is on April 2, 2020.
6. Academicsera – 697th International Conference on Behaviour Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife (ICBPGW)
The ICBPGW will be held on June 10-11, 2020. The conference, which brings together experts and academicians in the field of behavior psychology and genetics of wildlife, is associated with Scopus. It is also sponsored by a lot of international institutes, inviting the best speakers in the fields.
7. International Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences (ICPAS)
This conference is organized by the Universal Research Cluster and will be held on July 2-3, 2019 at Al Rayyan, Qatar. Deadline for submissions is on June 19, 2020, and the registration deadline is on June 23, 2020.
This list is just a fraction of the many conferences happening in Qatar throughout the year. Indeed, the country understands the importance of ongoing research collaboration and scientific innovation by providing avenues for scientists, engineers, academicians and others, to meet and share their knowledge.