When it comes to safety, there is a general consensus that Qatar is a very safe country. In fact, because it is generally perceived as safe, the result is undeniable progress in terms of technological advances, infrastructure, and economic growth. Majority of the population of Qatar is comprised of expatriates, around 85 percent to be exact, and they recognize the ideal work and living condition that Qatar offers.
Yet another, more specific evidence that Qatar is safe, is the confidence that the FIFA has on the country’s ability to host the World Cup in 2022. This shows that the international organizers believe Qatar can make the sporting event as peaceful and as organized as possible.
Here’s Why Qatar is a Safe Country
1. Low Crime Rate
Compared to other industrialized nations, crime in Qatar is low. Even misdemeanors like bag snatching or stealing from pockets rarely happen. Violence is also rare; however, with the rise of Qatar’s population, it is expected that there will be a rise of crimes as well. However, the police force of Qatar is highly capable of keeping the residents safe, and they are always available and visible.
2. Virtually No Terrorism
While there has been no terrorist attack in Qatar in the longest time, the last one being in 2005 which was successfully thwarted by the country’s counter-terrorism unit, threats of terrorism can never be ignored; not by any country. This shows that Qatar is prepared for any sort of terrorism attack. There is a chance, albeit slim, that Qatar may be a target of terrorism one day, especially since it has become a significant participant in the political affairs of the Gulf region. The growing number of expats arriving in the country may also be a factor.
3. Safety Tips for Women
Qatar is an incredibly safe country for everyone. However, just like being in any other country, you should always take precautionary measures. There are general tips that we need to follow, but specific to Qatar, there are certain guidelines that follow after the fact that the country is an Islamic state. For one, you should dress appropriately in public. You don’t have to wear the abaya, but you should wear clothes that don’t expose the shoulders and knees. A good dress code is jeans, t-shirt dress, t-shirts, three-fourth leggings, and the like.
4. Work Safety
If you’re working in Qatar, then you must know that you have rights and your employer must strictly promote these rights for your benefit. Your employer must be responsible for your safety. He or she must provide you with a safe work environment, and if you get injured or are suffering from a disease, your employer must shoulder the healthcare or medication expenses. Before you start working for your employer, he or she must first notify you of the possible dangers related to the work, and guide you to safety procedures. Domestic workers have rights as well; aside from providing a safe work environment, employers should also not let domestic workers work during sick leaves, rest periods, or during weekly rest, depending on agreement between parties.
Overall, Qatar is a very safe place to work and live in. That adds to its already long and growing list of reasons why it is a wonderful country for expatriates and for its citizens.