5 Best Places to Exercise in Qatar

Maybe you’re thinking about getting regular exercise while working as an expat in Qatar, but you feel like you don’t have the time and resources to enroll in workout and fitness gymnasiums. Well, you don’t have to worry, because Qatar has lots of outdoor spaces where you can exercise for free and lots of sporting activities for a considerable price.

You can go to parks where there are free gym equipment, jog in rubberized walkways, and go biking in bike lanes as you enjoy the scenery and the breeze. The following are just some of the many public places you can go to for exercise in Qatar.

qatar playground

How to Stay Fit Through Exercise in Qatar

1. Museum of Islamic Art Park

The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) Park is a great place to exercise because of many reasons. It is just a really nice looking place with a wonderful ambiance and relaxing views. You can start your exercise with a warm up at the boardwalk by the water front. That’s also a good place to job, walk, run or cycle.

Lots of people also go to the MIA park to skateboard, long board, or use their roller blades. In addition, if you are into Zumba, there is a session every morning at the MIA Park. You can enjoy the morning sea breeze while exercising with the Zumba group. Plus, its relatively cheap at 10 riyals per session.

2. Doha Corniche

You can use the free workout equipment in parks at the Doha Corniche. Equipment includes multi-functional which you can use for a number of exercises, including chest push ups which help strengthen your shoulders and triceps.

There are inclined benches for reverse crunches for abs and hip flexors, a lat pull down station for a body weight lat pull down, a bench dip station, a leg press or back pull machine, an elliptical machine, an arm push pull machine and more. It’s like a regular gym, but outdoors!

Ideally, though, you must be accompanied by a health and fitness expert while you attempt to use the exercise stations. A slight wrong turn can really be harmful to your muscles or bones.

3. Aspire Park

The Aspire Park is another great park for exercise. Here you can run, walk, cycle, and more. Moreover, Aspire Park houses the EsQalar Sports Climbing wall. For 30 riyals you get 2 trial climbs and engage in this challenging workout.

4. Dahl Al-Hamam Park

The Dahl Al-Hamam Park is a popular place for kids, although adults can exercise here too. It has many playgrounds where kids can climb and run around. They also like riding bikes and scooters here. Plus there is a basketball court. Kids need exercise too, and the Dahl Al-Hamam Park is packed with happy kids with their equally happy chaperones.

5. Dynamic Sports, Abu Hamour

What better way to get exercise than to engage in sports, and at Dynamic Sports, Abu Hamour, you can participate in a variety of sports activities. If you like Badminton, they have badminton courts you can use for 40 riyals per hour. There are other indoor sports as well, like swimming. You can join the Swimming Training Academy where lessons are held at this center.

Exercise is really important. When you exercise, you will have a better circulatory system, because your heart and lungs work harder, making them stronger. Visit these places in Qatar to have an active lifestyle.