Did you know that the Qatar government has a price list for fruits, vegetables and fish? It is updated on a daily basis so you can check the actual retail price in the market.
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce provides a price list for fruits, vegetables and fish. You can check out the approved prices by the visiting their official website.
How to Check the Prices of Fruits, Fish and Vegetables as Updated by Ministry of Econony and Commerce
Check the prices of fruits, fishes and vegetables by clicking the links below:
If the market or establishment does not adhere to the price list, then they are clearly in violation and would end up getting a penalty or a possible closure of their outlet.
The prices issued are not increased by the ministry in any way, most services issued by the ministry are almost digital and are accessible easily. English and Arabic language are provided to these kinds of services.
So, before you go to the market and do grocery shopping, feel free to visit the website as it provides a list to guide you when buying.
Price List: http://www.mec.gov.qa/en/services/Services%20and%20Forms/Individual-Services/Pages/Commodity-prices.aspx